I'm Kutub Kapadia.

Managed File Transfer Specialist and a Programmer.

I like to read books. My favourite one is The Alchemist until I discover the new favourite!


Managed File Transfer (MFT)

MFT teachonlogies to transfer the file from one company to another using the secured file tranfser gateway and applications.

IBM Sterling Integrator/File Gateway
IBM Sterling Connect:Direct
IBM Sterling Secure Proxy
Security Protocol SFTP, FTPS, HTTPS, AS2


Machine learning model development, website design and development, server side scripting

Python, Numpy, Pandas
HTML, CSS, Javascript, BootStrap
Linux Shell Script
Ansible, Jenkins, API, Github

Cloud Technologies

Azure Fundamentals, Google Cloud Visualization of different technologies, AWS fundamentals

Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud Platform
Amazon Web Services


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